Analysis of Occupational Accidents on Nurses in Hospital and Community Health Center: A Review of Research Results


  • Sariah Sariah STIKes Persada Husada Indonesia
Keywords: Occupational Accidents, Nurses, Health Service Facilities


According to the Indonesian Ministry of Health (2015) the number of work-related accidents that occurred between 2011-2014 was 92,453 cases. Nurses are the health workers with the largest number and the longest contact with patients, so they are very risky with their work, but many nurses are not aware of the risks that threaten themselves. WHO data (2004) from 35 million health workers, 3 million are exposed to blood pathogens (2 million were exposed to the HBV virus, 0.9 million were exposed to the HBC virus and 170,000 were exposed to the HIV/AIDS virus). This type of research is content analysis from research journals on nurses and occupational health in health care facilities. The data used is data that has been published in online media in Indonesian published from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2020. There are 10 collected research articles. The variables discussed are the number of samples, education, age, years of service, which are the most of the sample. Qualitatively what will be described are: level of compliance, use of PPE, factors related to work accidents, work environment, implementation of K3RS and types of work accidents. Descriptive data analysis. The result is there are 8 research articles in General Hospital, one in Special Hospital (Jiwa) and one in Puskesmas. The average nurse education is D3 of 71.60%. The age range of the selected sample nurses is 20 to 40 years. The most working period 0 years to 10 years. From 4 journals the average level of compliance is 74.8%. Two journals stated that their knowledge of PPE is good by 54%. One journal states that the factors related to work accidents are age (p value 0.000), knowledge (p value 0.004), attitude (p value 0.014), and actions (p value 0.005). Types of work accidents include minor injuries (11.76%), MSDs (30.3%) and needle sticks and sharp objects (69.6%).

How to Cite
Sariah, S. (2020). Analysis of Occupational Accidents on Nurses in Hospital and Community Health Center: A Review of Research Results. Jurnal Persada Husada Indonesia, 7(26), 40-47.

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