Capita Selecta Meningitis Vaccination


  • Herlina Herlina STIKES Persada Husada Indonesia
Keywords: Umrah pilgrims, meningitis vaccination, quality of service


Giving meningitis immunization to pilgrims for hajj and umrah is an effective method in reducing morbidity and mortality due to meningitis. The implementation of the meningococcus meningitis (ACYW-135) vaccine injection must be carried out at the Port Health Office (KKP) or designated Government Hospital. This paper aims to describe the determinants of meningitis vaccination in Umrah pilgrims. This study is a content analysis of 6 research journals that discuss meningitis vaccinations for umrah pilgrims. Using a quantitative approach from the results of previous research from 2015 to 2020. The first analysis describes the results of 6 journals taken and the conclusions of the research are presented. Furthermore, the analysis used is the average percentage for demographic characteristics, and a summary of results other than respondents' demographic variables. From the 6 journals that were taken as research samples, there were various research results, from knowledge, attitudes and practices of immunization. Human resources who carry out vaccinations and policies as a legal umbrella for vaccination. The majority of umrah pilgrims are old age (> 45 years), women with low education and working economic status. The majority of sources of information about meningitis vaccination do not exist, and they have never had access to that information. The knowledge of the congregation is quite good, and has carried out the injection on time according to the procedure. The quality of vaccination services, pilgrims feel quite good served by officers is considered quite good too. Access to vaccination the majority said it was easily affordable. In general, the attitude of the congregation was positive regarding the meningitis vaccination as well as the congregation's adherence to vaccination.

How to Cite
Herlina, H. (2020). Capita Selecta Meningitis Vaccination. Jurnal Persada Husada Indonesia, 7(27), 22-28.

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