Health Service Problems in Umrah Congregations

Evi Vestabilivy, Fitria Prihatini

  • Evi Vestabilivy STIKES Persada Husada Indonesia
  • Fitria Prihatini STIKES Persada Husada Indonesia
Keywords: Umrah, health care, mortality, morbidity


Umrah health care did not have legal aspect in Indonesia, so the solution of that could not handle in systemic agenda. According to limitation of hajj quota of Saudi Arabic government caused umrah congregation rising up. A lot of news said that when they (umrah congregation) were sick in transit country, Saudi Arabic or tour destination in the umrah journey, they would be left by the travel agent.  That’s why the Foreign Affair had topay to in patient of umrah in Hospital and care them when they died. The purpose of this study to analysis health care problems caused by umrah journey. It was a cross sectional study with qualitative and quantitative data and descriptive-explorative approach. Populationswere stakeholders in umrah, professional organization, NGOs and umrah congregations. Samples were stakeholders in sectors and program across, etc. The result of the study found that there were maximally in health care of umrah because of no regulation in this program yet. Data from the airways noted that until June 2015 there were 471.250 passenger umrah, but no data in morbidity and mortality of them. Meningitis vaccine from Health Port Center had used to umrah congregations were 329.141 in 2015. Religion Minister found that 11 persons sick and 4 persons died according to umrah.

How to Cite
Vestabilivy, E., & Prihatini, F. (2020). Health Service Problems in Umrah Congregations. Jurnal Persada Husada Indonesia, 7(27), 46-53.

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