Factors Associated with Work Fatigue on Online Ojek Drivers in East Jakarta In 2020
Soraya Dokolamo, Elwindra
In 2016 there were 105,374 accident cases. As many as 64% of these accidents occur on motorbikes, including online motorcycle taxi drivers. Globally, driver fatigue causes more than 20% of traffic accidents and more than 25% of these accidents are fatal and serious accidents. This study aims to determine the factors associated with work fatigue among online motorcycle taxi drivers in East Jakarta in 2020. This research is an analytic survey with a cross sectional approach. The dependent variable is work fatigue with 5 independent variables, namely age, years of service, education, BMI and length of work. The study was conducted in the Jatiwaringin area of East Jakarta in July 2020. The population was 184 people, while the sample was 66 people. Data collection using a questionnaire, data analysis using univariate and bi variate techniques with chi square test and alpha value = 0.05. The results of the univariate analysis showed that the majority of ojek drivers were aged 35 years (71.25), with higher education (90.9%) ie graduated from high school and university, had a normal BMI (60.6%), with a working period of > 3 years ( 66.75%) with duration of work per day > 8 hours (65.2%). and have low work fatigue (68.2%). While the results of the bi variate analysis showed that from the test of the relationship between the five independent variables and work fatigue, only the length of work was significant with a p value of 0.041.
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