Relationship between Knowledge Level, Extension and Environment with Anxiety Levels Against Covid 19 in the Elderly In the Sub District 003 and Neighborhood Association 004 Jatisari Village, Bekasi City

Jesreni Bani Paratu, Elwindra

  • Jesreni Bani Paratu STIKES Persada Husada Indonesia
  • Elwindra Elwindra STIKES Persada Husada Indonesia
Keywords: Elderly, Anxiety Level, Covid 19


The elderly are an age group that is vulnerable to contracting the COVID-19 virus. A weakened immune system in the elderly, coupled with a history of chronic disease. There were many reactions that emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic because this was something new for the elderly that had never happened before. problems that can arise in the elderly such as psychological problems, namely stress and anxiety, due to the lifestyle of the elderly which was originally normal to change completely. This study aims to determine the relationship between the level of knowledge, environment and counseling with the level of anxiety about Covid 19 in the elderly. The design of this research is analytic with a cross-sectional approach. The independent variables in this study are the characteristics of the elderly (Age, Gender, Belief, Education, Economy), Knowledge Level about COVID-19, Environment, and Covid 19 counseling. The dependent variable in this study is Anxiety Levels in the Elderly. The study was conducted from May to August 2021. The elderly population was 1,678 people. The number of samples taken as many as 60 respondents. Collecting data by using a questionnaire. Univariate analysis descriptively and bivariate analysis using Chi - square test at probability alpha = 0.05. The majority of respondents are >65 years old (65%), female (63.3%) with a high school education level and below (73.3%), with sufficient economic status (68.3%). Having a low level of knowledge (73.3%), despite living in an adequate environment (60%), but inadequate health education (83.3%), and having a moderate level of anxiety (58.3%). Of the seven independent variables tested, only two variables were significant, namely education level (p=0.007) and knowledge (p=0.003).

How to Cite
Paratu, J., & Elwindra, E. (2021). Relationship between Knowledge Level, Extension and Environment with Anxiety Levels Against Covid 19 in the Elderly In the Sub District 003 and Neighborhood Association 004 Jatisari Village, Bekasi City. Jurnal Persada Husada Indonesia, 8(30), 29-35.

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