Factors Affecting Work Fatigue in Transjakarta’s Bus Driver in DKI Jakarta

Rusmila, Elwindra

  • Rusmila Rusmila STIKES Persada Husada Indonesia
  • Elwindra Elwindra STIKES Persada Husada Indonesia
Keywords: work fatigue, bus driver


Fatigue is a condition when the body experiences a decrease in power and reduced body resistance to work. From the data obtained, an accident is a fatal one for a driver in driving a bus, fatigue can be experienced by a driver resulting in an accident. the aim of research to find out the faktors affecting work fatigue in Transjakarta’s bus driver in DKI Jakarta, 2019. This research is descriptive with a quantitative approach using the Cross Sectionaldata collection method, with the research subjects is Transjakarta’s bus driver. The research process had been conducted in April to May 2019 at PT Transjakarta on Jl. Maijen Sutoyo, Kb. Pala, Makasar, East Jakarta City. Total population of 1.228 respondents and the sample of 93 respondents. The method used in sampling is accidental sampling. The results showed that respondents who experienced low fatigue were 72 people, moderate fatigue as many as 20 people, high fatigue of 1 person. The significant relationship is gender with the level of work fatigue (ρ <0.05). that means that gender faktors affecting the level of work fatigue. Based on these results, it should be considered to fulfill the right of special facilities for female employees to obtain nutritious food and drinks, with security and morality maintained at work.

How to Cite
Rusmila, R., & Elwindra, E. (2022). Factors Affecting Work Fatigue in Transjakarta’s Bus Driver in DKI Jakarta. Jurnal Persada Husada Indonesia, 9(34), 1-12. https://doi.org/10.56014/jphi.v9i34.350

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