Husbands’ Recognition Support In Relation To Incidents Of Genesis Anemia In Expectant Mothers

  • Teti Rahmawati
Keywords: Expectants mothers, Husband’s Recognition Support, Anemia


Expectant mothers and families health attitude can influence the occurrence of anemia in expectant
mothers. However, it is not known yet the husbands’ support influence towards the occurrence of anemia in
expectant wives. This study aimed to identify support recognition influencing occurrence of anemia in expectantmothers. This analytic descriptive study uses cross sectional approach and was carried out at Sector Sukatani,Sub-District Tapos, Depok between January- June 2015 towards 60 expectant mothers selected by total sampling.Data collected utilized questionaires on respondents’ perception towards knowledge, attitude and husbands’support behavior related to anemia. Hb tests used multicheck units to obtain respondents Hb data. Study result showed a significant relationship between husbands’ recognition support with anemia occurrence in expectantmothers (p value = 0,021). Expectant mothers lacking husbands’ recognition support has a higher chance 4,680times of experiencing anemia compared to expectant mothers with good husbands’ recognition support (OR = 4,680). Requires early anemia detection policy through Hb screening, health promotion administration, conducting care and services involving husbands and further studies related to recognition support through perspective husbands.

How to Cite
Rahmawati, T. (2017). Husbands’ Recognition Support In Relation To Incidents Of Genesis Anemia In Expectant Mothers. Jurnal Persada Husada Indonesia, 3(9), 34-42.